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A Gentle Path into General Topology, Part 3

Compact, Connected and Complete Spaces and Separation Axioms

Sprache:  English
Children draw pictures. When they learn language, they can explain their pictures. In topology we are learning a language to help explain our analytic, algebraic and geometric mental pictures.
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A compact topological space means that, if it is contained in an infinite union of open subsets, then a finite union of those subsets would suffice.Connected spaces have their intuitive meaning of not being a union of disjoint non-empty open subsets.We define completeness in metric spaces by ensuring that sequences {xn} whose terms xn come ever closer together always have a limit.The separation axioms separate pairs of points and closed subsets, using disjoint open subsets. They take us on a journey towards metric spaces again. By investigating further, students may complete the journey.

About the Author

I had a thorough training in analysis and general topology as an undergraduate, and my doctoral research was in nets and compactifications. I have taught analysis and general topology in three universities, most recently in Asia, but earlier in the UK Open University, where I was also involved in mathematics education. I enjoy helping students appreciate the precision and rigour of analysis and topology, and I continue to gain much pleasure through investigating their secrets.

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • What you can expect to learn in Chapter 5
  1. Compact Spaces
    1. Compactness of a product space
    2. Compactness in terms of closed subsets
    3. Sequential Compactness
    4. Investigations
  • What you can expect to learn in Chapter 6
  1. Connected Spaces
    1. Continuity and connectedness
    2. The product of connected spaces
    3. Connected components
    4. Investigations
  • What you can expect to learn in Chapter 7
  1. Complete Metric Spaces
    1. Sequences in a metric space
    2. Cauchy sequences and completeness
    3. Completion of a non-complete metric space
    4. Compactness and completeness
    5. Investigations
    6. Appendices 1: A proof of the completeness of the Real Numbers R
    7. Appendices 2: Constructing the completion of a non-complete metric space
  • What you can expect to learn in Chapter 8
  1. Separation Axioms
    1. T1 - spaces
    2. Hausdorff (or T2) Spaces
    3. Regular (or T3) spaces
    4. Normal (or T4) spaces
    5. Investigations
    6. Appendix: Looking back and looking forward
  • References

Understand how separation axioms are measured and classified. Explore the conditions under which topological spaces can be considered metrizable and how regularity impacts metrizability. Investigate the relationship between compactness, Hausdorff, metric spaces, normality, and regularity within topological spaces.

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