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Professional eBook

Using Stories in Presentations

Language :  English
Learn about the power of storytelling and how and why our brain likes hearing stories.
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Telling stories is a compelling way of presenting because audiences can relate to them. Stories have a unique power to entertain, inform and teach in a way that everybody enjoys. Learn about the power of storytelling and how and why our brain likes hearing stories. Consider the formula of a good story and how to choose the right one for your different audiences. Write and tell a great brand story if you are a business. Importantly learn how to tell a good story and add to its’ impact by illustrating it.

About the author

Sandy Leong is an international speaker, with a particular interest in the power of storytelling. She speaks to a diverse range of audiences including, Historical Societies, U3A’s, The Arts Society, WI’s and many others. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and also an after-dinner speaker. Sandy spends a lot of her time delivering talks on board cruise ships, sailing to some wonderful destinations around the world. She is also a well-respected trainer passionate about teaching others to become successful speakers.

  • Introduction
  • About the Author
  1. Using stories in presentations
  2. The power of storytelling
  3. The formula of a good story
  4. Different stories for different purposes
  5. Telling brand stories
  6. How to tell a good story
  7. Illustrating your story
  • Conclusion
About the Author

Sandy Leong