Professional eBook

Overcome Your Obstacles

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Language :  English
This is a powerful e-book that contains numerous hints and tips to help you to understand your stress behaviour more clearly, supporting you to overcome your obstacles and move forward with your life.
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Do you want to become more successful, and have better, healthy relationships with those around you? Do you often fail when you are stressed or put under pressure?

How can you overcome the obstacles that cause you to act from your stress?

This is a powerful e-book that contains numerous hints and tips to help you to understand your stress behaviour more clearly, supporting you to overcome your obstacles and move forward with your life. Read this book to improve your understanding of what obstacles may be holding you back, and equip yourself with practical exercises to enable you to be more successful at work and elsewhere.

  1. Introduction
  2. Obstacles
    1. Life is a Game of Expectations
    2. Understanding Obstacles
    3. The Different Obstacles
    4. Sabotage – I Could Not Care Less
    5. Greed – Nothing is Enough for Me
    6. Self-Deprecation – But I Can’t…
    7. Arrogance – I Do Know What is Best
    8. Martyrdom – But Life is So Hard
    9. Impatience – Hurry, Hurry
    10. Stubbornness – That Will Never Happen
  3. Obstacles at Work
    1. What Happens When Obstacles Take Control?
    2. Increasing Awareness and Overcoming Obstacles at Work
    3. Fear Patterns and Leadership
    4. Obstacles and Communication
    5. Obstacles and Feedback Skills
  4. Combinations
    1. Sabotage-Combinations
    2. Greed-Combinations
    3. Self-Deprecation-Combinations
    4. Arrogance-combinations
    5. Martyrdom-combinations
    6. Impatience-Combinations
    7. Stubbornness-Combinations
  5. Fear patterns – The Test
    1. Do You Know Your Fear Patterns?
    2. Obstacles – Summary
  6. Erasing Fear Patterns
    1. Erasing sabotage
    2. Erasing greed
    3. Erasing Self-Deprecation
    4. Erasing Arrogance
    5. Erasing Martyrdom
    6. Erasing Impatience
    7. Erasing Stubbornness
  7. A Balanced Person
    1. Develop Your Mindset
    2. Summary of the Fear Patterns
    3. The Tale of Two Wolves
Very important insights about what is holding us back. Thank you!
Good one! Nice motivational book.
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About the Author

Carita Nyberg