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Professional eBook

Myths of Strategy

Reassurance for Managers

Language:  English
A critical analysis of the ‘myths’ of strategy.
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This book explains the main theories by reference to literature; these are de-constructed to show their deficiencies and so the ways in which managers can avoid these. This book provides reassurance that they don’t have to follow the kind of literature and memes which appear in books and the wider social media.

About the Author

Dr Neil H Ritson has a BSc First Class in Psychology, a UK Teaching Qualification (PGCE) an MBA and an MSc in Social Research. His PhD combines issues of flexibility, human resources and corporate strategies. He is a Chartered Fellow of the UK’s Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. His managerial career has comprised roles in employee/industrial relations and management consultancy in the UK oil and engineering industries. Subsequently, in academic roles in various universities, he has published empirical papers concerning managerial and trade union strategies.

  • About the Author
  1. Introduction
  2. Theory and Myths
    1. Levels of strategy
    2. Generic Strategies
    3. Types of Strategy
    4. Schools of strategy
  3. External and Internal Analyses: models based on current literatures
    1. External Analysis
    2. The macro or far environment
    3. The micro or near environment
    4. Internal Analysis: The Value Chain
  4. A critique of the current situation in Strategy: complexity and competition
    1. Rationality
    2. Ideology and the Ideological Strategy
    3. Research Flaws
  5. Critical theories
    1. Levels
    2. Generic Strategies
    3. Types
    4. Three Schools
    5. Environments
    6. Five Forces
    7. Value chain
  6. Conclusions
    1. Managers
    2. Students
  • Table of Figures
  • References
About the Author

Dr. Neil Ritson