This is the second of a series of four books on marketing. Non-marketing managers need to know the models and techniques of marketing. They need to be familiar with segmentation and the product diffusion curve. They need to understand Porter’s five competitive forces and be totally familiar with the marketing mix and how pricing strategies are used to enhance a business’s profitability. They need to be conversant with the AIDA, DAGMAR and Growth Share Models and understand product market strategies and how the product life cycle operates. This book fills that gap.
About the author
Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer and author. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and abroad on learning, personal development, study skills and business management. Some of his books have gone into foreign translations and second editions. He has an M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS). He is a fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).