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Java 5: Files and Java IO

Software Development

1 review
Language :  English
The subjects of this book are about files and how you in Java can manipulate files.
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  1. Introduction 
  2. java.io 
    1. Files 
    2. Exercise 1 
    3. Random access files 
    4. Problem 1 
    5. Byte streams 
    6. Exercise 2 
    7. Exercise 3 
    8. Exercise 4 
    9. Object serialization 
    10. Character streams 
    11. Problem 2 
    12. Text scanner 
    13. Exercise 5 
  3. java.nio 
    1. Buffers 
    2. Channels 
    3. Path and Files 
  4. Operations on simple data types 
    1. The integers 
    2. Exercise 6 
    3. Exercise 7 
    4. Problem 3 
    5. Problem 4 
    6. Exercise 8 
    7. Exercise 9 
    8. Exercise 10 
  5. Final example 
    1. The model 
    2. The user interface 
    3. The dialog box 

This book is the fifth in a series of books on software development in Java. The subjects of this book are about files and how you in Java can manipulate files. Java defines two API's for IO: java.io and java.nio, and the book treats both API's. Furthermore the book treat data representation and the binary operations, and the book has an appendix, which gives a brief introduction to the binary and hexadecimal numbers.

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About the Author

Poul Klausen