Kategorier Virksomhedsløsninger
Audio Learning

How to Build Sales Confidence

29m 7s
Language :  English
In this fascinating discussion, Adam and James Ski discuss setting a vision for your future self and how to go on to achieve that ambition through setting manageable weekly, monthly and daily goals.
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In this episode, Adam speaks to sales guru James Ski. James trained as an elite rower at university and has held various senior-level sales positions. He now runs a hugely successful sales events business called Sales Confidence. Adam and James discuss setting a vision for your future self and how to go on to achieve that ambition through setting manageable weekly, monthly and daily goals. They dive into turning a "no" in sales into a positive thing and bringing persistence and enthusiasm into your work. Finally, they discuss how to achieve balance in a high-pressure role.

About the Author

Assemble You Limited