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Audio Learning

How to Help Kids Organise Themselves

Interview with Julie McCracken

28m 48s
Language :  English
Primary school children have the ability to collaborate and get great things done together. That’s the view of teacher Julie McCracken, author of Clean Language in the Classroom.
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Primary school children have the ability to collaborate and get great things done together. That’s the view of teacher Julie McCracken, author of Clean Language in the Classroom. She’s even had very young children produce and stage their own end-of-year show, with minimal input from adults. In this interview she tells Judy Rees how it’s done, as well as discussing the essential collaborations behind getting a book published. That’s like a tug-of-war, apparently. In this episode you’ll learn ways to introduce Clean Language to young children that also work with adults.

About the Author

Judy Rees