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Professional eBook

Econometrics – Part I

(28 ratings )
2 reviews
Language :  English
A simple survey over the most basic concepts that is usually studied within introductory courses in econometrics.
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A simple survey over the most basic concepts that is usually studied within introductory courses in econometrics.

  1. Basics of probability and statistics
    1. Random variables and probability distributions
    2. The multivariate probability distribution function
    3. Characteristics of probability distributions
  2. Basic probability distributions in econometrics
    1. The normal distribution
    2. The t-distribution
    3. The Chi-square distribution
    4. The F-distribution
  3. The simple regression model
    1. The population regression model
    2. Estimation of population parameters
Its a very useful book for students who are trying to understand introductory econometrics.
I'm interested in making research on economic theories. I think this book can best serve that purpose.
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About the Author

Thomas Andren