Professional eBook

Conditional Formatting and Conditional Formulas

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Language :  English
Conditional Formatting and Conditional Formulas are very powerful areas of Microsoft Excel, which are frequently used for business analysis purposes.
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The ability to analysis information, show data trends and cross reference information are invaluable skills in the modern workplace. There are features in Microsoft Excel, namely Conditional Formatting and Conditional Formulas, which are designed to effectively perform these types of tasks by adding colour to Excel information according to set criterion. This book covers in a step-by-step manner the use of Conditional Formatting and Conditional Formulas. There are many useful Conditional Formulas covered in this book including Average, IF, And, Or, Sumifs, Countifs and Nested Logical Functions.

About the Author

My name is Richard Giles Walters, and I am a qualified teacher (Cert/Ed) with vast experience of training Microsoft (MS) Office applications. I deliver both classroom and online training in MS Office applications, including MS Excel and MS Project. I am an experienced MS Office book author and I look forward to writing books as a BookBoon author, to further develop my writing skills and experience. I am a qualified Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert and I constantly look at ways to develop my own skills in the use of MS Office, to enhance my own training methods.

  • About the Author
  • Liability and warranty
  • Introduction
  1. What is Conditional Formatting
    1. Highlight Cell Rules
    2. Top/Bottom Rules
    3. Data Bars
    4. Colour Scales
    5. Icon Sets
    6. New Rule
    7. Manage Rules and Editing Rules
    8. Clearing Conditional Formatting
    9. Multiple Conditional Formatting Example (Highlight Cell Rules)
  2. Conditional Formatting Formulas
    1. Creating Conditional Formulas and Cell Referencing
    2. Conditional Formula signs and using signs in formulas
    3. Applying Formula Formatting
    4. Testing Conditional Formatting Formulas
    5. Controlling and Ordering Formula Formatting (“Stop If True”)
    6. Managing and Editing Formula Results
    7. Hiding “Zero” values and/or percentages
    8. Conditional Formatting Formula Examples
  • Table of Figures
Great book, very insightful!!
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About the Author

Richard Giles Walters