Kategorier Virksomhedsløsninger
Audio Learning

Being Influential

Influencing when you don’t have formal authority

27m 13s
Language :  English
It takes a community to be successful. Tune in to a practical session on the importance of influence - how to get your network to want to champion you and bring your vision to life.
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“It’s not just what you know. It’s also who you know, who knows you and what you’re known for.” You’ll need to partner, collaborate and inspire others to be part of your journey to achieve success. Tune in to a practical session on the importance of influence - we will cover why influence, who to influence, how to influence, including tactical ways you can get going right now and what happens if it doesn’t work - because the reality is not going to be smooth sailing. It’s time to influence your way to success!

About the Author

Lily Woi