Professional eBook

A practical guide to creative problem solving

Six Questions

(11 ratings )
Language :  English
Everything in this book is practical, not theoretical. All of the exercises and tools can be used time after time, by yourself and with others, to solve problems creatively and effectively.
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This book is a practical, creative problem-solving guide that you can use for both personal and organisational problem solving. It has a unique, interactive “Unsticker” section that you can use any time you get stuck on a problem and need to think creatively. Everything in this book is practical, not theoretical. All of the exercises and tools can be used time after time, by yourself and with others, to solve problems creatively and effectively.

About the author

Peter Freeth is a leading business coach, trainer, presenter, author and consultant who has a rare mix of communication, technical and business skills and an interest in learning and developing new tools and techniques that help others get the results they want, more easily and more often.

Peter has been developing innovative NLP applications for over 25 years and has delivered programs for a number of leading UK NLP training organisations as well as bespoke corporate programs in the UK and worldwide.Having spent nearly 20 years in the telecoms industry, Peter started his own training and consultancy business in 2002. Since then, he has worked with a list of clients, ranging from SMEs to multinational corporations, developing future leaders and building high performing cultures.Peter has created many innovative applications of NLP which you’ll now find trainers and consultants all over the world using, as a result of attending Peter’s courses and lectures and reading his many books.

  1. About the author
  2. Introduction
  3. Why?
  4. How? 
  5. What? 
  6. Where? 
  7. Who? 
  8. When? 
  9. Which?
  10. The world famous Unsticker
  11. What’s next?
About the Author

Peter Freeth