Professional eBook

The Art of Personal Effectiveness

500 quotes on making the most of yourself

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Language :  English
In this collection, you’ll find around 500 quotes on the theme of Personal Effectiveness.
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In this collection, you’ll find around 500 quotes on the theme of Personal Effectiveness. They range from quotes by Aristotle in 300 BC and Epictetus in 100 BC to Goldie Hawn and Mariah Carey in the 20th century. You’ll be astonished at how some of the oldest quotes seem to have been written with today’s audience in mind... Have a look!

We all love a good quote. A good quote can do many things. It can sum up in just a few words what it takes a whole day to learn. It can deliver something that has taken someone a lifetime of experience to discover. It can make us smile with its accuracy and wisdom. It can delight us with its turn of phrase. And it can hit the spot in encapsulating something we’ve come to understand ourselves. When asked for their favourite quotations, ones that mean something to them or ones that they were given and have used throughout their lives to help them gain some insight, most people can usually quote a quote.

In this collection, you’ll find around 500 quotes on the theme of Personal Effectiveness. They range from quotes by Aristotle in 300 BC and Epictetus in 100 BC to Goldie Hawn and Mariah Carey in the 20th century. You’ll be astonished at how some of the oldest quotes seem to have been written with today’s audience in mind.. You’ll discover insights into how to become more assertive and confident. You’ll learn how to discover and build on your natural talents and strengths. You’ll learn some excellent tips on how to manage stress and thrive on challenge. You’ll get a primer on thinking skills. And you’ll learn some of the secrets of managing your time more effectively. This book is a delightful way to learn. When your training is finished, you’ll still be leafing through these gems for the sheer pleasure of reading them.

  1. Assertiveness
  2. Maximising Your Potential
  3. Stress Management
  4. Thinking Skills
  5. Time Management
  6. Web Resources on “The Art of Personal Effectiveness”
Whenever I read this book, I got an inspiration and motivation towards my life. "When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, then you are on the way to success...
I love quotes! I have actually printed this in small papers and I randomly pick one to inspire me everyday. Even my colleagues love them too.:)
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About the Author

Eric Garner