Professional eBook

Report Writing Skills for Finance Professionals

Language :  English
This book is for the accountant, the bookkeeper and everyone in the world of money and finance. The book provides an unbiased and focused grounding in report writing as a financial professional.
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This book is for the accountant, the bookkeeper and everyone in the world of money and finance. The book provides an unbiased and focused grounding in report writing as a financial professional. There are the tools and techniques needed to succeed in report writing for finance. There are theories and best practices, stories and practicalities.The book takes you from fundamental writing principles to appropriate report content, layout and style. There are many illustrations throughout the book showing how to deal with numbers, tables, graphs and more.This book is a treasure for the treasury!

About the author

Duncan Williamson has worked in accounting for over four decades now and is still going strong as this can testify. Duncan has worked as an accountant, lecturer, project director, consultant, author, webmaster and more throughout his lengthy career. Born and brought up the UK, Duncan has been an international soul for 30 years as he has lived in and travelled to around 90 countries.

  • Report Writing Skills for Finance Professionals: Telling the Story Behind the Numbers
  1. Chapter 1
    1. Case Examples
    2. Tips for clear writing 
    3. What did they say? 
    4. Suggestions for 
  2. Chapter 2 
    1. Writing for the web 
    2. Excel with Excelmaster 
    3. Get to the point 
    4. Writing for social media 
    5. Interactivity 
    6. Other Sites, Other Pages 
  3. Chapter 3 
    1. Writing email 
  4. Chapter 4 
    1. Writing for a Global Audience 
  5. Chapter 5 
    1. Turning A Financial Report into a Human Report 
  6. Chapter 6 
    1. The Report itself 
  7. Chapter 7
    1. Inside and Out 
    2. The Report Aimed at Outsiders 
    3. The Report Aimed at Insiders 
  8. Chapter 8 
    1. Style is Regarded as the Degree of Formality 
    2. Tone
About the Author

Duncan Williamson