Audio Learning

Memorable Messaging

How to Make Your Words Stand Out and Sink In

1 review
13m 40s
Language :  English
If you’ve got an important message you want to make a mark and be remembered, this talk will show you how.
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Tricks to make your words stand out and imprint on the memory go back to Shakespeare’s time, and even further. Whether it’s rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, analogies, or other techniques, we’ll explore the subtle ways to make a memorable mark with your messaging. 

About the Author

Simon Hall is a Course Leader at the University of Cambridge, runs his own business communication agency, Creative Warehouse, and is a journalist, author, and business coach.

He teaches communication, media, business, writing, presentation, storytelling, and public relations skills at Cambridge, along with universities across England, for government departments, and companies.

Simon has a series of books on communication published, including - public speaking and presentations - writing blogs - how to secure media coverage - and leadership communication - along with eight thriller novels.

very nice and informative audio talk, simple yet deep and with a lot of references across the ages.
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About the Author

Simon Hall