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Human Anatomy Synopsis: Neck and Head

Language :  English
Topics include the anterior neck, the skull, the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the face, regions of the head, and the eye and ear in outline format with dissections.
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This is one of five synopses describing Human Anatomy in an outline format and includes numerous diagrams, cadaver dissections, tables and study questions. This synopsis describes the contents within the regions of the anterior neck, the skull, the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the face, regions of the head, and the eye and ear. Each synopsis is based on over 40 years of course materials used by thousands of students and multiple instructors. Others synopses include: Human Anatomy Synopsis: Axilla and Upper Limb; Human Anatomy Synopsis: Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb; Human Anatomy Synopsis: Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis; and Human Anatomy Synopsis: Spine and Neck.

  • Preface
  • The Neck
  1. Anterior Neck Region
    1. Subdivisions
    2. Superficial Anterior Neck
    3. Deep Anterior Neck
  2. The Head
    1. The Skull
    2. The Face
    3. Parotid Region
    4. Temporal Region
    5. Infratemporal Fossa
    6. Oral Cavity
    7. Nasal Cavity
    8. Pharynx
    9. The Eye
    10. The Ear
    11. Cranial Nerves
  • Study Questions
  • References and Bibliography
About the Authors

Gerard Gorniak

William Conrad