Howard Gould
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 2

Howard Gould recently retired as a senior lecturer in computing with the School of Computing, Creative Technologies and Engineering at Leeds Beckett University. He holds an MSc. in Software Engineering and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (FE). He is a member of the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT and became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2007.

Howard worked for a number of years in industry as a software developer before taking up a lecturing post at Bradford College in 1991. He was appointed Senior Lecturer in computing at Leeds Metropolitan University in 2001. He has over 30 years’ experience of teaching systems analysis and design and database design and development to higher and further education students. In addition, he has been involved in a number of design and development projects for a range of commercial and educational organisations.

Howard Gould has published the books “Systems Analysis and Design” and “Database Design and Implementation: A Practical introduction using Oracle SQL” with

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