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Professional eBook

Going On a Sales Date To Win Over Customers

Language:  English
It sounds strange to say, but sales and dating are more alike than they are different. Both involve excitement, opportunity, risk, heartache, and so forth.
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Have you ever gone on a date and felt like you were trying to sell yourself to the other person? Or have ever found yourself working with a prospect and customer and thought to yourself, “Gee, this is kind of like dating.” It sounds strange to say, but sales and dating are more alike than they are different. Both involve excitement, opportunity, risk, heartache, and so forth. That’s because selling is more than just a transaction; it is the emotional experience that both a customer and salesperson go through together to either solve a problem or seek an opportunity. Sometimes we, as salespeople, forget the emotional aspect of selling and skip this crucial element in the customer experience as we try to achieve our goals. Let’s take a fun, and sometimes awkward, perspective on how we sell to others by comparing and contrasting it to romance and see how this can change our approach with prospective customers.

About the Author

Aaron Jacobs