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Erik Maaloe
  • Země: Denmark
  • Number of Titles: 2

Born 1940. M of Sc in Operations Research and Management from Technological University of Denmark. Bachelor of Art in Philosophy of Social Science Methodology. Phd and later Dr Sci (dr merc) from The Aarhus School of Business.

Worked initially as operational analysts at NBRCP in Canada. Later employed at The Building Research Institute as operational analyst, future researcher and experimental psychologist of variation in architecture. – And as a part time teacher of epistemology at The Royal Academy of Denmark. After having received a research grant, a professor at Department of Organisation, The Aarhus School of Business, now Aarhus University. Here he through the years researched, published and taught on systems analysis, future and case research as well as organizational theory. - Guest lecturer and international speaker around the world.

Winner of a few research prices and has written a dozen books, incl The Employee Owner, Towards a Theory of Natural Architecture and hundreds of articles mainly in Danish.

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