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Engineering Thermodynamics

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Language :  English
Thermodynamics is an essential subject taught to all science and engineering students.
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Thermodynamics is an essential subject taught to all science and engineering students. If the coverage of this subject is restricted to theoretical analysis, students will resort to memorising the facts in order to pass the examination. Therefore, this book is set out with the aim to present this subject from an angle of demonstration of how these laws are used in practical situation. This book is designed for the virtual reader in mind, it is concise and easy to read, yet it presents all the basic laws of thermodynamics in a simplistic and straightforward manner; plus many worked examples and a good section of unsolved tutorial problems.

This free eBook can be read in combination with and in some cases instead of the following textbooks:

  • Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 7th edition, by Michael J Moran, Claus Borgnakke,Howard N Shapiro, Daisie D Boettner & Margaret B Bailey
  • Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 7th edition, by Michael J Moran, Howard N Shapiro, Daisie D Boettner & Margaret B Bailey
  • Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics 2nd edition, by Richard E Sonntag & Claus Borgnakke
  • Thermodynamics 7th edition, by Yunus A Çengel & Michael A Boles
  • Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics 1st edition, by Milo Koretsky
  • Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics 3rd edition, by Adrian Bejan
  • Basic Engineering Thermodynamics 1st edition, by P B Whalley
  • Engineering Thermodynamics 2nd edition, by James B Jones & G A Hawkins
  • Preface to the 2nd edition
  1. Thermodynamic System & Properties
    1. Thermodynamic System
    2. Thermodynamic properties
    3. Quality of the working Substance
    4. Thermodynamics working fluids
    5. Worked Examples - Thermodynamic Proerties
  2. Thermodynamic Processes
    1. Types of thermodynamic processes
    2. Alternative Gas Equation During A Change Of State:
    3. Thermodynamic Processes for gases
    4. Thermodynamic Cycle
    5. Worked Examples - Thermodynamic Procesess
  3. Laws of Thermodynamics
    1. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
    2. First Law of Thermodynamics
    3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    4. Third Law of Thermodynamics
    5. Worked Examples - Laws of Thermodynamics
  4. Thermodynamic Power Cycles
    1. Vapour Power Cycles (based on water-steam as the working fluid)
    2. Gas Turbines Cycles (based on air as the working fluid)
    3. Gas Engines - Internal Combustion Engines
    4. Worked Examples - Gas Power Cycles
  5. Revision Tutorial problems
    1. Thermodynamic State Properties
    2. Thermodynamic Processes
    3. Laws of Thermodynamics
    4. Power Cycles
  • Appendix Steam Tables
It is a book between grassroots and engineering level. It surely will help young engineers and/or development aid workers to understand thermodynamics and continue their studies.
It's so simple even to the layman
Nice book
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About the Author

Tarik Al-Shemmeri