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Electronics and Computing in Textiles

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Language :  English
This book connects electronics and computing with the field of textiles presenting the principles of the disciplines of electronics and computing with examples and applications in textiles.
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Electronics and Computing in Textiles connects the fields of electronics and computing with the field of textiles presenting the principles of the disciplines of electronics and computing with examples and applications in textiles. This structure is very important, especially because of the expansion of textiles in the modern multifunctional materials and products world. Furthermore, the progress in the textile processes with the use of automation systems is based mainly on electronic and computing concepts. Thus, Electronics and Computing in Textiles is essential in the modern textile engineering curriculum.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  1. Non linear approaches in textiles: the Artificial Neural Networks example
    1. Introduction
    2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
    3. ANNs in textiles engineering
    4. Discussion <
    5. Literature
  2. Computational Modelling of Textile Structures
    1. Introduction to the computational modelling
    2. The computational modelling in the textile sector
    3. The basic principles of the Finite Element Method
    4. Geometrical representation of the textile structures
    5. Implementing the FEM in the textile design
    6. Literature
  3. e-textiles
    1. Introduction
    2. Electric conductivity-Background
    3. Conductive textiles
    4. Power supply sources for e-textiles
    5. Processors/ Microprocessors
    6. Communication technologies in e-textiles
    7. Conclusions
    8. References
  4. Acoustics and sound absorption issues applied in textile problems
    1. Sound and noise.
    2. Sound measurement.
    3. Sound reflection, absorption, refraction.
    4. Sound absorption measurement methods.
    5. Sound absorption mechanisms, porous materials.
    6. Applications on textiles.
    7. References
  5. Use of Digital Signal Processing in the textile field
    1. Introduction
    2. Signals and Digitization
    3. Signal processing basics
    4. Discrete Time Signals & Systems
    5. Digital Image Processing
    6. DSP in textile quality control
    7. References
  6. RF Measurements and Characterization of Conductive Textile Materials
    1. Introduction
    2. Elementary transmission lines theory
    3. Coaxial cable T-resonator measurements results
    4. Microstrip T-resonator measurements results
    5. Antenna fundamentals
    6. Textile antennas
    7. References
  7. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
    1. Introduction
    2. PLC characteristics
    3. Input and output characteristics
    4. Software development
    5. Operation of the PLC
    6. A case study
    7. Acknowledments
    8. References
  8. Wireless Body Area Networks and Sensors Networking
    1. Introduction
    2. Sensor Networks. Why?
    3. WBAN Applications
    4. WBAN Architecture
    5. Communication Protocols / Platforms
    6. WBANS projects
    7. Concluding Remarks
    8. References
  9. Electronic and computer applications in the knitting design and production
    1. Knitting Principles
    2. Knitting machines
    3. Production of knitted garments
    4. Use of knitted fabrics
    5. Introduction of electronic elements and devices
    6. Computer-aided designing (CAD)
    7. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
    8. References
  10. Electronic and Computer Applications
    1. the Clothing Design and Production
    2. Introduction
    3. Electronics and Computing In Modelling Department
    4. Electronics and Computing In Sewing Room
    5. Computerized Movers
    6. Computerized Production Management and Control
    7. Conclusion
    8. References
About the Author

Editor: Savvas Vassiliadis