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Dr. Bruce Postlethwaite
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
Bruce Postlethwaite is a Senior Teaching Fellow in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. Bruce is a Strathclyde graduate and left with a BSc in Chemical Engineering in 1978. He then spent several years in industry (as a technical support engineer in a fertiliser plant; a research engineer in a nuclear plant and then a control software engineer in the same plant) before returning to Strathclyde as a lecturer in 1986. He’s been there, apart from a short period teaching at UC Berkeley, every since. His main teaching interests are in process control, but he’s also taught classes in process safety, computer programming, biochemical engineering, design and process economics. Bruce has kept contact with industry during his time teaching at Strathclyde and has provided consultancy for a wide range of clients including: BNFL;British Gas; West of Scotland Water, East of Scotland Water, North British Distillery, Brewing Research Intl., Controlled Therapeutics, Rathburn Chemicals, Scottish Water, BP Exploration; Marine Biopolymers, Seaspice and Vascutek.
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