Daniel Gebreselasie
  • Země: United States
  • Number of Titles: 5

Daniel Gebreselasie received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Asmara University (in Asmara Eritrea) in 1986. From 1986 to 1989, he worked as a lecturer in the Physics department of Asmara University. In 1989, he joined Baylor University (in Waco, Texas) to pursue Graduate studies in Physics. Daniel received his Master's degree in physics in 1992 and in 1995 earned a Doctorate degree in Condensed Matter Physics. Dr. Daniel Gebreselasie dissertation was in the area of Computational Surface Physics. After graduation, Dr. Gebreselasie worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Physics department of Baylor University. Currently, he works at Galveston College as a Professor of Physics.

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