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C# 1: Basic Syntax and Semantics

Software Development

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Language :  English
The subject in this book is an introduction to C# with an emphasis on basic language syntax and semantics.
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This book is the first in a series of books on software development in C#. The subject is an introduction to C# with an emphasis on basic language syntax and semantics, but it is also a book about what programming in general is and how to practically write simple programs. The book requires no knowledge about programming or the language C#, and the goal is to show how to get started writing computer programs.

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  • Foreword
  1. Programming
  2. Hello World
    1. Visual Studio
    2. The Kings
  3. Commands and console programs
    1. Commands
    2. PrintAddress
    3. Console programs
  4. Variables and data types
    1. Operators
    2. Literals
    3. Formatting output
    4. Objects
    5. TheAddress
    6. Inheritance
    7. Namespaces
    8. Example: Cubes
    9. Arrays
    10. Example: CupProgram
    11. Multidimensional arrays
  5. Program control
    1. The if statement
    2. Do and while statements
    3. The for statement
    4. The switch statement
    5. Return statement
    6. Break, continue and goto
  6. List
  7. Comparison and sorting
  8. Files
    1. Text files
    2. Serialization of objects
  9. More about classes
    1. The program stack
    2. Class examples
    3. More classes
    4. Methods
    5. Objects
    6. Visibility
    7. Static members
  10. Final example: Lotto
    1. Design
    2. Programming and test
A very good book, easy to let others understand C#.
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About the Author

Poul Klausen