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C# 12: WWW the Client Side

Software Development

Language :  English
This book is a continuation of C# 11, but focusing on the client side. Key topics are style sheets and JavaScript, and and especially the latter fills much.
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This book is a continuation of C# 11, but focusing on the client side. Key topics are style sheets and JavaScript, and and especially the latter fills much. The book ends with a relatively comprehensive example of programming the client side using JavaScript.Click here to download the source files from this book.

  • Foreword
  1. Introduction
  2. Cascading style sheets
    1. More selectors
    2. Styles
    3. Using a client-side package
    4. Exercise 1: Guestbook
  3. The Entity Framework
    1. Create the project
    2. The model
    3. View the content
    4. Show / create a person
    5. Problem 1: History
  4. JavaScript
    1. Nature of Languages
    2. Patterns
    3. Basic syntax
    4. Exercise 2
    5. Arrays
    6. Exercise 3
    7. Functions
    8. Program control
    9. Global objects and functions
    10. Exercise 4
    11. DOM
    12. Modify the DOM tree
    13. Problem 2
  5. The JavaScript World
    1. jQuery
    2. Ajax
    3. Problem 3
    4. TypeScript
    5. Angular
    6. React
    7. Node
    8. JSON
  6. WebSheet
    1. The program’s functions
    2. Design
    3. Programming
    4. Conclusion
About the Author

Poul Klausen