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Basic Well Logging and Formation Evaluation

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Language :  English
The textbook is addressed to students of geosciences and petroleum engineering. Subject are the fundamental techniques of borehole geophysics and the interpretation of measured data.
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The textbook is addressed to students of applied geosciences and petroleum engineering.

Subject are the fundamental techniques of well logging/borehole geophysics and the interpretation of measured data (formation evaluation). Examples with an exercise part (sandstone reservoir, shaly sand interpretation, complex mineralogy of a carbonate reservoir) help to understand the different methods and algorithms.

The user will learn

  • reservoir properties (porosity, saturation, fluids, permeability, capillary pressure),
  • the physical background of well logging methods and the response with respect to reservoir characterization (physical principle, primary information from logs),
  • rules for optimal log combinations, basic equations and models, fundamental techniques of log interpretation.
  1. Introduction
    1. History, present and future of a science and technology
    2. Fundamental problems and the way we go
  2. Reservoir Rocks, Reservoir Properties
    1. Reservoir rock types
    2. Porosity
    3. Fluids in the pore space: Saturation and bulk volume fluid
    4. Permeability
    5. Core analysis
    6. Summary
  3. Well Logging – Overview
    1. Introduction
    2. Principle of log measurement
    3. Logging methods – Classification
    4. The tool (probe) and the environment of measurement
  4. Well Logging – The Methods
    1. Borehole geometry
    2. Electrical and electromagnetic logs
    3. Nuclear logs
    4. Acousticlog, Sonic log
    5. NMR measurements
    6. Imaging Techniques
  5. Log Interpretation – Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Quick-Look methods
    3. Quantitative Interpretation: Shale Content
    4. Quantitative Interpretation: Porosity from a single log
    5. Porosity and Mineral Composition – Multiple Porosity Methods
    6. Water Saturation from logs
  6. Some Applications in Water Exploration
    1. Water well in an unconsolidated formation
    2. Mineral water well in a fractured carbonate formation
  7. Examples and Exercises
    1. Oil-bearing Sandstone
    2. Shaly sand profile
    3. Mixed lithology Carbonate rock
  8. Appendix
    1. Physical properties of rock-forming minerals
    2. Some conversions
  9. Recommended books and sources
  10. References
  11. Index
  12. Endnotes
About the Author

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schön