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Clare Kumar
  • Země: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 27
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Exploring the intersection of productivity and inclusivity, I encourage leaders to create spaces and cultures that invite the richest contributions from everyone. For too long, we have been squandering talent, giving people the false choice of opting out or burning out.

With greater care as leaders to build psychologically, physiologically, and neurologically safe spaces, we can invite people to ask for what they need to perform at their best. After all, productivity is personal. We need to make room for differences in the way we get things done.

It’s not just up to leadership. Individuals must be self-aware, design a productive and fulfilling life, and protect their boundaries to be able to sustain performance.

Together, we can achieve great things.

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Máte skvělý nápad, který byste chtěli proměnit na obchodní knihu nebo studentskou učebnici? Naučili vás vaše zkušenosti něco o osobním rozvoji, co byste chtěli sdílet se světem? Nebo se specializujete na akademický předmět, který byste dokázali lépe vysvětlit? Knihy Bookboon charakterizuje kvalita, srozumitelnost a stručnost. Promluvte si s naším redakčním týmem a zveřejněte to!