Dr. Stilianos Vidalis
  • Instituce: University of Hertfordshire
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Kontaktovat autora:

Raised on the island of Mykonos, Greece. Moved to the UK in 1995. Undertook undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Wales, UK (BSc Computer Science, MSc Information Security and Computer Crime). Awarded a PhD in threat assessment in 2004. Experienced in all aspects of Information Operations with excellent understanding of the information security lifecycle. Created a number of spin-off companies. Orchestrated and formalised training on penetration testing and digital forensics for the British Armed Forces Intelligence Personnel. Mentored thousands of cyber operators and cyber security specialists since 2001. I advise and inform policy makers and write policy where and when required. Offering consultancy on Penetration Testing, Threat Assessment and Digital Forensics/Incident Response. Publishing technical work on Penetration testing, addressing professionals and practitioners in the wider field of cyber security.

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