كتاب دراسي مجاني

Working Capital and Strategic Debtor Management

بواسطة Robert Alan Hill
(14 التقييمات )
3 التعليقات
اللغة :  English
This free book critically evaluates working capital management and the strategic marketing function of credit terms within a theoretical context of wealth maximisation and empirical research.
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This free book critically evaluates working capital management and the strategic marketing function of credit terms within a theoretical context of wealth maximisation and empirical research. The accounting convention that management must present an image of solvency and liquidity to the outside world by maintaining an excess of current assets over current liabilities is seriously questioned. A firm’s objectives should be to minimise current assets and maximise current liabilities compatible with its debt paying ability, based upon future cash profitability dictated by optimum terms of sale, which may be unique.

  • Part One: An Introduction
  1. An Overview
    1. Introduction
    2. Objectives of the Text
    3. Outline of the Text
    4. Summary and Conclusions
    5. Selected References
  • Part Two: Working Capital Management
  1. The Objectives and Structure of Working Capital Management
    1. Introduction
    2. The Objectives of Working Capital Management
    3. The Structure of Working Capital
    4. Summary and Conclusions
    5. Selected References
  2. The Accounting Concept of Working Capital: A Critique
    1. Introduction
    2. The Accounting Notion of Solvency
    3. Liquidity and Accounting Profitability
    4. Financial Interpretation: An Overview
    5. Liquidity and Turnover
    6. Summary and Conclusions
  3. The Working Capital Cycle and Operating Efficiency
    1. Introduction
    2. The Working Capital Cycle
    3. Operating Efficiency
    4. Summary and Conclusions
  4. Real World Considerations and the Credit Related Funds System
    1. Introduction
    2. Real World Considerations
    3. The Credit Related Funds System
    4. Summary and Conclusions
  • Part Three: Strategic Debtor Investment
  1. The Effective Credit Price and Decision to Discount
    1. Introduction
    2. The Effective Credit Price
    3. The Effective Discount Price
    4. The Decision to Discount
    5. Summary and Conclusions
  2. The Opportunity Cost of Capital and Credit Related Funds System
    1. Introduction
    2. The Opportunity Cost of Capital Rate
    3. The Credit Related Fund System
    4. The Development of Theory
    5. Summary and Conclusions
    6. Selected References
  3. The Strategic Impact of Alternative Credit Policies on Working Capital and Company Profitability
    1. Introduction
    2. Effective Prices and the Creditor Firm
    3. Alternative Credit Policies, Working Capital Investment and Corporate Profitability
    4. Summary and Conclusions
  • Part Four: Summary and Conclusions
  1. Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Review
    1. Introduction
    2. The Theory
    3. The Empirical Evidence
    4. Late Payment and the Case for Legislation
    5. Summary and Conclusions
    6. Selected References
This is more concerned with equipping the entrepeneurs with skills to run a business especially the new comers to understand that the money used to establish business of whatever kind is the yardstick for that business's success or its unsuccess and this could be more profitable if debts are well managed.
It is a very interesting book for business management.
This is a concise and detailed book on financial management
نبذة عن المؤلف

Robert Alan Hill