كتاب دراسي مجاني

The Ultimate Student & Graduate Job Handbook

(25 التقييمات )
اللغة :  English
In this eBook you will find information on job searching tips, resume writing advice, using college resources to your advantage, the power of networking and using social media to your advantage.
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The Ultimate Student & Graduate Job Handbook is designed for the current college student or recent graduate about to enter the workforce. We understand how daunting this time can be and the pressure associated with finding the right job. Competition for graduate employment is getting tougher each year and the application process is making it harder for a college graduate to get a foot in the door. In fact, major studies from the US, Australia and the UK suggest that graduates now face extremely tougher job markets and economic forecasts than graduates from the previous decade.

The aim of this eBook is to help you with the transitional period from college student to job seeker. We look at the many major issues that college students will go through, and we seek to provide answers based on our experiences. In this eBook you will find information on job searching tips, resume writing advice, using college resources to your advantage, the power of networking and using social media to your advantage.

Once college is finished, real life begins – make sure that you are one step ahead of your competition!

  1. University is Finishing – Now What?
    1. Is Higher Education Right for You?
    2. Breaking Into A Career
    3. Avoid Job Searching Burnout
    4. I’m A Senior, What Are My Options?
    5. Job Searching Tips For College Seniors
    6. Skills You’ve Learned In College
    7. Turning The Wrong Degree Into The Right Career
  2. Using College Resources To Your Advantage:
    1. Top Resources At College Career Centers
    2. Find Success At Job Fairs
    3. Make Your Internship Count
    4. The Best Kept Secret On College Campuses
    5. Researching Your Career
  3. Job Seeking: What Are My Options?
    1. Organize Your Time While Job Searching
    2. If You Find Yourself Unemployed
    3. What Is A Gap Year?
    4. If At First You Don’t Succeed
    5. Making the Transition
    6. Why Does Nobody Call Me Back For A Job Interview Request?
  4. Networking
    1. First Steps Of Networking
    2. Networking As A College Student
    3. LinkedIn Is The Best Choice For Business Professionals
    4. Keyword Rich LinkedIn Profile
    5. Using A Specialist Recruitment Agent
    6. What Does Your Email Address Say About You
  5. Preparing For The Job Search:
    1. Is Google Your Friend Or Foe?
    2. Acing The Dreaded Job Interview
    3. Quality Vs Quantity
    4. The Elevator Speech Marketing Tool
    5. What Should I Include In My Resume?
    6. Replacing The Objective Statement With A Qualifications Profile
    7. Facebook And Your Job Application
  6. Bonus Chapter
    1. Essential Criteria To Include In Your Resume
    2. What Is The Cover Letter?
    3. Preparation And Job Searching
    4. The Advantages and Benefits of Creating a LinkedIn Profile
    5. Selecting The Best Job Recruitment Agent
نبذة عن المؤلف

Gavin F. Redelman