كتاب دراسي مجاني

The Simplified Academic Proofreaders' Manual

بواسطة Mqondisi Bhebhe
1 تعليق
اللغة :  English
For lecturers, proofreaders, tutors, authors and students; we explain what markers look for in assignments and advise on how to address each error in students’ writing. Seeing is believing!
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Are you a lecturer? A proofreader? A tutor? Or a diligent student seeking to improve their work before submitting? This proof-reader’s manual provides a common platform for all parties and helps them think from the same standpoint. Through its skilful explanations, it helps students understand how to write assignments and measure their own progress and provides a diligent step-by-step guide on how markers should approach the student’s work; at the end, students write good/up-to-standard assignments while markers have a fair view of the work, simplifying everyone’s job.

About the author

Mqondisi Bhebhe is an academic, a Management graduate and publishing author in various disciplines, but with more emphasis on Academic Writing skills and Business/Economics areas. He has been, and is still, teaching at tertiary level and enjoys sharing knowledge and experience with readers from all over the world. This is the second of the 5 coming editions of the "simplified" series, with the first one already published being the Human Resource Management Solutions Textbook and a few other projects on the pipeline, all aiming to make studying easier for you. This guide is not intended to replace/supersede any existing academic writing guides as preferred by individual institutions but it will certainly give you all the basic understanding on what is required in many academic assignments. Please enjoy this work and look out for the other volumes to hit your shelves soon.Happy studying!

  • How to use this book
  • The use of hyperlinks
  1. Items to look out for in students’ assingments structure
    1. Essays
    2. Conventional essays
    3. Informative essay
    4. Biographic essays
    5. Reflections essays/academic journals/diaries
    6. Textual analysis
    7. Template-based assignments
    8. Reports
    9. Business reports
    10. Informational report
    11. Investigative report
    12. Business memorandum
    13. Making comparisons
    14. Literature review
    15. Annotated bibliography
    16. Dissertations/theses
    17. Research reports
    18. Research proposals
    19. Critical analysis
    20. Short-answer questions
    21. Scientific/laboratory report
    22. Business letter
    23. Case study
  2. Language coherence and enhancements
    1. Transitional elements
    2. Contractions/acronyms / colloquialisms
    3. Reflective language
    4. Precise sentences
    5. Pronouns
    6. Punctuation (parentheses)
    7. Direct questions
    8. Exaggerations
    9. Passive voice
    10. Using the third person pronoun
    11. Legal words
    12. Strong/domain vocabulary
    13. Courteous/polite language
    14. Analytic/evaluative language
    15. Active verbs
    16. Repeating unnecessarily
    17. Over-sized academic sentences
    18. Reducing word count
    19. When a question says, ‘explain in your own words.’
    20. Omissions of certain key information
  3. Grammatical conventions
    1. Commas
    2. Determiners
    3. Quantifiers
    4. Compound words
    5. Subject-verb agreements
    6. Indirect speech
    7. Prepositions
    8. Period/capitals
    9. Puncutation: full-stop
    10. British or american spellings?
    11. Incomplete sentences
    12. Relative pronouns
    13. Sentence combinations
    14. Adjectives
    15. Verbs
    16. Tenses
    17. Present tenses
    18. Past tenses
    19. Future tenses
    20. Confusing verbs for nouns, nouns for verbs or verbs for adjectives
    21. Apostrophe
    22. Punctuation: ordinary words
    23. Punctuation: proper nouns
    24. Non-english nouns
    25. Punctuation: dialogues and direct quotes
    26. Punctuation: semicolon
    27. Punctuation: colon
    28. Adverbs
    29. Spellings and typing mistakes
    30. Conjunctions
    31. Demonstrative pronouns
    32. Using the dash symbols
  4. Referencing (back to top)
    1. APA
    2. Harvard referencing
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