الفئات الشركات
Shelley Fishel
  • المؤسسة: Learning and Performance Institute
  • البلد: United Kingdom
  • عدد العناوين: 54
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Known as The MS Office Maestro, Shelley has been a Microsoft Office trainer for over 20 years, delivering face to face training sessions, presenting at events and training people remotely with various online tools.

Helping Assistants keep up to date with Microsoft Office is her passion. Shelley does this via her Virtual Live training sessions, webinars and her suite of self-paced courses – Essential Office for The Savvy Assistant.

Shelley is a Fellow of The Learning and Performance Institute and holds the COLF (Certified Online Learning Facilitator) and CDOL (Certified Designer of Online Learning) qualifications from The LPI.

Over the last several years Shelley has spoken or presented at a variety of events specifically aimed at PAs, EAs and VAs helping them to improve the way they work. Events include The PA Show, ESTech, Hemsley Fraser, PA Forum Conference, Practically Perfect PA, Miss Jones PA


You can find Shelley’s courses at https://tomorrowsva.com and follow her blog there  - a weekly tip on Microsoft Office.

Follow Shelley on Social Media

Twitter - @shelleyfishel or @tomorrowsva

Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelleyfishel/

Facebook Page : 


Instagram : shelley.fishel

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