الفئات الشركات
Samuel A. Malone
  • البلد: Ireland
  • عدد العناوين: 72
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Samuel A Malone is a self-employed training consultant, lecturer and author. He is the author of 21 books published in Ireland, the UK and abroad on learning, personal development, study skills and business management.  Some of his books have gone into foreign translations and second editions. He has an M.Ed. with distinction (in training and development) from the University of Sheffield and is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA), Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) and a Chartered Secretary (ACIS). He is a fellow of the Irish Institute of Training and Development (FIITD).

تصفح الكل بواسطة Samuel A. Malone
Accelerated Change Management after Covid-19
Reading Skills for Managers
More Stress Interventions
The Best Models for Managers (L to N)
Problem Solving Techniques for Managers
Workplace Stress
The Learning Organisation for Managers
Confidence, Belief and Self-Esteem
Nudges for Managers
Learning Models and Styles
Organisational Politics
The Spectrum of Ethical Behaviour
The Three Stage Personal Development Plan
Retaining your Team
Marketing for the Non-Marketing Manager Part III
Business Ethics for Managers
Organisational & Individual Stress
Marketing for the Non-Marketing Manager Part I
Lifelong Learning Skills
The Best Models for Managers (B to E)
Strategic Thinking Skills for Managers
Marketing for the Non-Marketing Manager Part II
Models for Teams
Meetings, Selection & Appraisal Interviews
The Ultimate Success Formula
Leadership, Delegation & Motivation
The Role of the Brain in Learning
Models for Managers
The Line Manager’s Role
Learning with Technology
Experiential Learning
Writing Non-Fiction Books
When Does & How Does Creativity Happen?
Trust in the Workplace
Talent Management Process and Models
Problem Solving for Leaders
The Best Models for Managers (P to S)
Models for Trainers: An A to I Guide
Motivating and Encouraging Employees
Learning Maps for Managers
How Adults Learn
Models for Trainers: A J to Z Guide
Conflict, Discipline & Grievance
Performance Review
Why People Make Irrational Decisions
People Management & Interpersonal Skills
Writing Skills for Managers
Emotional Skills for Managers
Memory Skills for Managers
Negotiation & Assertiveness
White paper: Learning Content Strategy
Marketing for the Non-Marketing Manager Part IV
Interpersonal Relationships and Communications
The Best Models for Managers (F to K)
Business Resilience
Happy Managers
Where Does Creativity Occur & Who is Creative?
Essential Skills for Public Speaking
What is Creativity & Why Does it Happen?
Models for Coaches/Mentors
Persuasion & Influencing Skills for Managers
Learning from Mistakes
The Best Models for Managers (T to Y)
Business Communications
Models for Personal Development: A K to Z Guide
Stress Interventions
Respect in the Workplace
Models for Personal Development: An A to J Guide
Sustaining Ethical Behaviour
Focus, Persistence & Resilience
Time Management for Remote Workers
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