كتاب دراسي مجاني

Genesis of Strategic Management

بواسطة Elitsa Petrova
2 التعليقات
اللغة :  English
Genesis of Strategic Management by Elitsa Petrova presents the strategic management by carrying out a historical review of military and business strategies.
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  • History of military strategic thought
  • History of business strategic thought 
  • Strategy and strategic management 
  • The concept of management 
  • Strategy and strategic management 
  • Business environment of an organisation 
  • Essence of organisations 
  • Analysis of the business environment of an organisation 
  • Competition and competitive advantages 
  • Basic goals, mission and vision of an organisation. Ethical standards 
  • Basic goals, mission and vision 
  • Organisational culture and ethical standards 
  • Strategic market analysis 
  • Traditional models for strategic market analysis 
  • Analysis of the portfolio of an organisation 
  • Formulating strategies and strategic partnerships 
  • Types of strategies 
  • Formulating a strategy 
  • Forms of strategic partnerships 
  • Parts of the reviews 

Genesis of Strategic Management by Elitsa Petrova includes six main topics. The first topic presents the strategic management by carrying out a historical review of military and business strategies. The ancient Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Greek and Byzantine strategy theories, theories of European Renaissance and strategic thought from the 18th - 19th century, the American influence on strategic thought are presented and analysed. The key strategic business schools are discussed in the second part of the topic. The second topic examines the concept of management, the functional areas of modern management, the concept of strategy, and the concept of strategic management. The third topic examines the business environment of an organisation. The fourth topic shows how to define the objectives, mission and vision of the organisation. The fifth topic presents traditional and modern models for strategic market analysis. The sixth topic summarizes the types of strategies in business.

About the author

Elitsa Petrova is Associate Professor, PhD in the Social, Economic and Legal Sciences area of higher education at the Vasil Levski National Military University, Bulgaria. She is Legal Entity Appointed Representative of the Vasil Levski National Military University, Bulgaria for Horizon 2020 and Departmental Coordinator of Erasmus+ for Logistics of Security Department. She has taught the courses on Fundamentals of Management, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Conflict Management, Management of Security of Systems, etc. Her research interests are in the field of management, staff motivation, management of security of the systems. She is author of over 120 scientific publications, including monographs, textbooks, studio, over 80 articles and papers in specialized Bulgarian and international scientific journals.

The topic of the present book is oriented towards students and cadets at the Vasil Levski National Military University, and foreign trainees from the Erasmus + EU programme for education, training, youth and sport studying the subject of Strategic Management. The scientific and applied contribution of the textbook make me believe that it will be appreciated and given the deserving attention by business organisations and the general public interested in strategic management issues.
Everything is structured and explained very well. Professional reading, even for non-professionals.
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