كتب Professional الإلكترونية

Fundamentals of communication, P.R. and leadership

(245 التقييمات )
50 التعليقات
اللغة :  English
This book provides a refreshing introduction to the three fascinating and fundamental subjects of communication, public relations and leadership.
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This book provides a refreshing introduction to the three fascinating and fundamental subjects of communication, public relations and leadership. Aimed primarily at University undergraduate and postgraduate students (as well as those studying A-levels) in business schools, within the humanities and social sciences, and communication and media studies, the book examines and explores in a unique, provocative and iconoclastic manner the major theories, models and trends in the three fields.

About the author

Dr Georgios P. Piperopoulos studied sociology and psychology at American, German and Austrian Universities receiving his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees; taught at several American, European and Greek Universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels before retiring from his professorial chair at the Department of Business Administration, The University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Dr Piperopoulos is currently Honorary Professor in Management and Marketing at Durham University Business School. He was until recently Visiting Professor at Newcastle Business School, Faculty of Business and Law, Northumbria University and before that Visiting Professor at New castle University Business School, both at Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.

He has held a variety of managerial posts in private enterprises and public social services organizations in the USA and Europe.

He has developed and taught Leadership, Communication, Stress Management and Psychological Operations courses at the Supreme Joint War College of the Hellenic Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air force), the Army staff training school, the Hellenic Police Continuing Education Centre and at the Greek branch of the United Nations Peace Serving Operations Training Centre.

Professor Piperopoulos has published several textbooks and many popular books in Greek and English and authored hundreds of articles and editorials in leading Greek Newspapers and magazines. He has been a frequent guest on Greek TV and radio programs as a commentator and, for several years, presented his own show titled ‘I Communicate Therefore I am’ in Greek National and Regional TV channels and Radio stations. He has delivered hundreds of public lectures to groups in Greece, Europe and the USA.

Bookboon.com has already published his books:

Fundamentals of Communication, PR and Leadership

Control Your Stress and Manage Your Time!

Managing primary and Secondary Schools – A Primer (co-authored with Dr A.N. Piperopoulou)

His daughter Dr Natasha (Anastasia) Piperopoulou lives with her son in Athens and is employed as psychologist in a public school for training and educating adolescents with special needs. His son Dr Panagiotis (Panos) Piperopoulos is Associate Professor at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).

  • Part One – Communication
  1. Communication is a universal phenomenon
    1. System of 4 components
    2. Communication among ants and bees
    3. Communication among canines & felines
  2. Human Communication
    1. The scheme of human communication
    2. Defining human communication
    3. Language in human communication
    4. Words in a language
    5. Signs and Symbols
    6. Semiotics and Semiology
    7. The role of context and effect in communication
    8. Barriers to communication
  3. Body language
    1. Darwin’s contribution
    2. The ‘intrigue’ of body language
    3. Keeping matters at ‘arm’s length’
    4. The role ‘culture’ plays
    5. Focusing on the human face
    6. Ardrey’s ‘territorial imperative’
  4. Mass Media & social media
    1. From stone inscription to the printing process
    2. Enter the ‘penny press’ innovation
    3. From the wired telegraph to wireless telegraphy
    4. AM and FM radio come to existence
    5. Birth and development of television
    6. The digital age & ‘www’
  5. The Role of attitudes in human communication
    1. Defining Attitudes
    2. The components of attitudes
    3. Attitude functions for the personality
    4. Our attitudes can change
    5. Attitude measuring scales
  • Part Two – Public Relations
  1. The birth of a speciality
    1. Tracing P.R. roots in antiquity
    2. A historic glimpse at the USA in late 19th and early 20th Century
    3. Defining the field of Public Relations
    4. Misconceptions of public relations
    5. Brief profiles of four pioneers in P.R. history
  2. Publics, Public Opinion and its moulders
    1. Historical evolution of the term ‘public’ 
    2. Public Opinion
  3. Rhetoric, Persuasion and Propaganda
    1. From Rome with…’love’
    2. Not one but a multitude of definitions
    3. A variety of propaganda types
    4. World Wars & the use of Propaganda
    5. The Korean War and “Brainwashing”
  4. Corporate Communication & Responsibility
    1. Corporate Communication
    2. Corporate responsibility or CSR
    3. P.R. vs. marketing and advertising
  5. Press releases, special events and sponsorships
    1. An in-house P.R. specialist vs. the services of a P.R. consultancy
    2. The ‘press release’ or ‘news release’
    3. Form & structure of a ‘press’ or ‘news release’
    4. Content and Style of the ‘press or news release’
    5. Different ‘releases’ to different Media
    6. Emphasis on ethos, pathos and logos
    7. Special events and sponsorships
    8. Crisis management
  • Part Three – Leadership
  1. Leaders and Leadership
  2. Leadership, Power, Authority & Charisma
    1. A glimpse at recent political, financial and religious events
    2. Starting with Plato and Aristotle
    3. Max Weber’s theoretical viewpoint
    4. Enter Machiavelli, Sennet & Habermas
    5. The era of ‘scientific management’ and the Hawthorne studies
  3. Leadership research at the Universities of Iowa, Ohio & Michigan
  4. Modern theories of leadership in Private and Public Enterprises and Organizations
    1. Contingency and path-goal theories
    2. Transformational leadership – ‘Charisma’ revisited?’
  5. Instead of an epilogue: Women leaders remain under a ‘glass ceiling’
    1. Women in Politics
    2. Women in the Economy and in Higher Education
  6. References / Bibliography
  7. The Author
Good summary of how communication works.
If you are in a work setting requiring interaction and interfacing with the public do read this book.
True to its title this book will prove to be a valuable addition to your bibliography. Download and enjoy!
A book with a trilogy of significant subjects which will prove useful to three types of readers, i.e. Students, professionals and interested members of the general public. Well written and informative.
A book with a trilogy of significant subjects which will prove useful to three types of readers, i.e. Students, professionals and interested members of the general public. Well written and informative.
Combining the three subjects in one volume is indeed an innovative approach and presenting them in an easy to understand narrative is noteworthy. A book worth reading and a project well done!
An excellent introduction to communication theories and effective practices and to Public Relations. The auhot had done a commendable job in helping both students and practitioners acquire usable skills!
An impressive textbook by an obviously skillful writer who writes convincingly combining his expertise as both an academic and a practitioner.
Bringing together in one volume these three subjects is in itself an innovative job. Delivering in excellent text the votre essence of the 3 subjects deserves an honest applause. Well written, well documented and really useful.
Well structured, well written and well documented book much needed for those of us not exposed to social and behavioral subjects in our university years. I highly recommend this book considering it as a classic in its field.
Practitioners interfacing with the public stand to gain plenty from this book and university students should add it to their "must read" list before leaving the academic environment! Thumbs up recommended.
A book worth every minute you will spend reading it as it will reimburse you generously! Useful modern information and well supported by a rich bibliography.
An extremely useful book for those wishing to improve their communication skills!
I have read and thoroughly enjoyed a book which is undoubtedly a significant thesis on the three major subjects constituting its title. The book strongly does deliver what it promises in a pleasant, innovative and well supported manner!
A remarkable book that will augment existing communication, public relations skills to everyone in a position of interacting with clients and customers.
A brilliant job by an expert in the field! The author by combining communication, leadership/management and public relations in a single volume has been clearly innovative. The rich bibliography will help the reader to seek new sources of information as needed.
You can find many books on communication as well as books on public relations, management and leadership if you search the internet. This book deserves the characterization of 'outstanding' for two main reasons: that it is well structured and properly documented and unique in combining the 3 subjects in one volume! I believe it will soon be a "classic".
A great book for those who do not have a media or communication university background but who operate in positions interacting and interfacing with members of the public! Useful for practitioners and surely belonging to the bibliography of relevant college and university modules. Useful easy reading.
An impressive book on three significant themes which should prove useful to the general public beyond its usefulness for university students and young practitioners in the three interelated fields.
Professor Piperopoulos has a plethora of admirers among university students fort his courses on communication, public relations and management and many more from his frequent appearances on Greek TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines. Our ex teacher with this excellent book will surely add many more admirers on a global scale. Well done prof!
An excellent textbook that will richly enhance your understanding of the fascinating subject of communication and will improve your leadership skills!
A truly creative combination of three significant subjects in one book. Communication was, is and will always be 'the name of the game' and so is the art of exercising effective public relations and the ability to lead people from a managerial position. Excellent reference book for students, practitioners and even members of the interested general public. Well done!
If your professional activities require interaction with the public download and read this impressive book introducing the reader to three fascinating and indeed functionally interrelated subjects! You will be introduced to some secrets in effective communication, will understand what is effective public relations and will be familiarized with some crucial leadership/management theories! Well done!
Here is a well structured (it presents three related subjects) well written and richly supported book which will educate and inspire the readers!
Simply a must read for university students and young practitioners in the Media, Journalism and PR.
The book should be classified as a classic in introducing university students and young practitioners to the 'secrets' of successfully communicating and carrying through PR tasks.
A fascinating presentation on three topics of its title that deserves to be read. I especially cherish the author's presentation of the continuing practice of "glass ceiling" for women seeking executive posts. Professor Piperopoulos' short article in LinkedIn on the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon is a useful link to this book.
The author has managed to creatively combine three themes in a notable book deserving the attention of university students in the related fields asvwell as practitioners seeking a ftresh approach to their daily duties and activities. Well structured, well supported and offering a noteworthy rich bibliography.
A very noteworthy addition to bibliographies in communication, public relations and leadership! The book reads well, is rich in bibliographical references and delivers admirably the promise of its title. High level reference work for students and practitioners in management, marketing, media and journalism.
The book is creatively addressed to a multiple of audiences. University students in management, media and public relations will do well to add it to their bibliography. Young management practitioners will refresh their knowledge in these three fields. Members of the interested general public will enjoy it.
An impressive textbook by an academic/practitioner useful for university students as well as the general public since it presents three significant/interrelated subjects in a well structured, bibliographically richly documented book which reads very pleasantly.
An excellent textbook for university students who major in media studies, marketing, public relations and management and for practitioners in sales and services to the public.
Obviously professor Piperopoulos knows his stuff and in this admirably creative synthesis of three related subjects he offers professionals and students a book worth reading. Well done job by a distinguished academic with broad practitioner experience on both sides of the Atlantic.
If you are a university student looking forward to a Jon in PR or in a marketing department add this book to your "must read" list. If you are already employed in a capacity requiring interacting and interfacing with the public download and read it at your next free interval. Members of the general public will find it useful even if they limit their reading to the sections on better understanding the language of their cats and dogs...
An admirably creative presentation of three interrelated subjects by a seasoned academic! Not just for university students but for working men and women who interact with the public and who are charged with management roles!
Professor Piperopoulos presents three significant and related subjects in a distinguished monograph serving as an excellent textbook for students and a useful reference book for professionals. Read it and I am certain you will agree!
Another notable example of the work of an academic who is obviously talented in bringing to an accessible vomprehension level academic material free of academic jargon. Three cruvialnthemes presented in a concise manner!
With Parliamentary elections forthcoming in the EU I would strongly suggest to all candidates to download and read this book! Surely for all those interacting with the public as employees an managers of private otr public corporations, services, institutions and NGOs the book is definitely a "must read".
An educational book by an author who knows his stuff. I have had extensive experience in the Sales field and yet as the book combines three important areas I confess that I learned some new things.
Anyone who has an innate or an acquired talent of being an effective communicator has something to learn from this excellent book. All those who are not but wiush to be effective communicators have a lot to gain by treading this book. Professor Piperopoulos has made it possible!
Informative, contemporary and useful in each of the three subject areas it deals with. Enlightening presentation of the challenging facets of human and animal communication.
If, like me, you believe that 'communication is the name of the gsme' this book vindicates us. If you are not on our side please tread the book and you will convert. Professor Piperopoulos has done a great job!
Professor Piperopoulos deserves recognition for his innovative paraphrasing -not plagiarizing- Descartes 'cogito ergo sum' as the subtitle to this impressive book 'I communicate therefore I exist'.
An impressive introduction to the fascinating field of communication theory and media applications which is enriched with information on Public Relations.
Professor Piperopoulos knows his stuff and with this book he provides the novices with contemporary and useful material and the more experienced with a first rate 'refresher'. Well done.
For every professional interacting with members of the public a uniquely helpful book.
A well structured, bibliographically rich trilogy which will be enjoyed by students in media, communication and PR management and by interested members of the general public. As the subtitle creatively suggests 'if you communicate you...exist!
A remarkable treatment as an innovative triptych of the three interrelated and fascinating management subjects. A book worth reading!
Great help for those who have not had exposure to PR and communication fields.Contemporary and fresh for those already involved in relating to people.
Students, teachers, sales people and aspiring politicians will benefit from the first part of this impressive book. All those who interact with people will learn a lot from the Public Relations part of the book. Junior managers will learn from the Leadership section. There is something for almost every one who will download this book!
نبذة عن المؤلف

Prof. Georgios Piperopoulos