كتاب دراسي مجاني

Fundamentals of Chemistry Part II

بواسطة Romain El Sair
(26 التقييمات )
1 تعليق
اللغة :  English
This book is about fundamental concepts that any chemistry student should not only be aware of but proficient at.
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This book is about fundamental concepts that any chemistry student should not only be aware of but proficient at. This chemistry book deals with electrochemistry, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, thermochemistry, and includes several numerical examples to apply the new concepts. Additional exercises and their solutions will be provided in the third volume of “Fundamental of Chemistry”.

  1. Electrochemistry
    1. Energy Transfer
    2. Applications of Electro-chemistry
    3. Electro-chemical Cells
    4. Effect on electrodes
    5. Half-cell redox reactions
    6. Anode and Cathode
    7. Electro-chemical Cell Notation
    8. Example
    9. Exercise
    10. Potential Difference
    11. Example
    12. Standard Electrode Potentials
    13. Example
    14. Exercise
  2. Electrochemistry (2)
    1. Predicting Reactions
    2. Strengths of Oxidising and Reducing Agents
    3. Rusting
    4. Some Commercial Electrochemical Cells
    5. Electrolytic Cell
    6. Electrolysis of Molten Salts
    7. Calculation Examples
    8. Example
  3. Chemical Equilibrium
    1. Reversible Reactions
    2. Reactions in a closed system
    3. Haber’s process
    4. The equilibrium constant
    5. Equilibrium law for heterogeneous reactions
    6. Obtaining equilibrium constant expressions
    7. Units of equilibrium constants
    8. Calculating equilibrium concentrations
    9. General steps to follow
    10. Equilibrium constant for the sum of reactions
  4. Chemical Equilibrium (2)
    1. The Equilibrium Constant, Kp
    2. Le Chatelier’s principle
    3. Manipulating yields
  5. Acids and Bases
    1. Reactions of acids
    2. Acid-Base theories
    3. Self-ionisation of water
    4. Solutions of Strong Acid or Base
  6. Thermochemistry
    1. Thermo-chemical Equations
    2. Hess’s Law
    3. Enthalpy diagram
    4. Calculating the Enthalpy change of a reaction
    5. Enthalpy diagram
    6. Lattice Enthalpy
    7. Born-Haber Cycles
Easy to read and clear to understand.
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