كتاب دراسي مجاني

Engineering Fluid Mechanics

(138 التقييمات )
اللغة :  English
Fluid Mechanics is an essential subject in the study of the behaviour of fluids, equally when at rest and when in motion, whether a house hold application or industrial.
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book.tabs.learning objectives

Fluid Mechanics is an essential subject in the study of the behaviour of fluids equally when at rest and when in motion whether a house hold application such as the mains water supply, the natural gas supply or industrial such as the design of the body of an automotive car, airplane, train or the provision of electricity from a hydropower plant.

The book tackles the many laws and principles in a very clear and easy way describing the pertinent parameters that control the particular situation. The book is complimented by many worked examples, tutorial problems to help students get further practice in problem solving, a typical examination paper, and finally presents a case study of a typical hydropower plant.

  • Preface to the 2nd edition
  • Dimensions and Units
  1. Fluid Statics
    1. Fluid Properties
    2. Pascal’s Law
    3. Fluid-Static Law
    4. Pressure Measurement
    5. Centre of pressure & the Metacentre
    6. Resultant Force and Centre of Pressure on a Curved Surface in a Static Fluid
    7. Buoyancy
    8. Stability of floating bodies
    9. Tutorial problems
  2. Internal Fluid Flow
    1. Definitions
    2. Conservation of Mass
    3. Conservation of Energy
    4. Flow Measurement
    5. Flow Regimes
    6. Derivation of Darcy’s equation for friction in pipe flow
    7. The Friction factor and Moody diagram
    8. Flow Obstruction Losses
    9. Fluid Power
    10. Fluid Momentum
    11. Tutorial Problems
  3. External Fluid Flow
    1. Regimes of External Flow
    2. Drag Coefficient
    3. The Boundary Layer
    4. Worked Examples
    5. Tutorial Problems
  4. Compressible Fluid Dynamics
    1. Compressible flow definitions
    2. Derivation of the Speed of sound in fluids
    3. The Mach number
    4. Compressibility Factor
    5. Energy equation for frictionless adiabatic gas processes
    6. Stagnation properties of compressible flow
    7. Worked Examples
    8. Tutorial Problems - Compressible Flow
  5. Hydroelectric Power
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of hydraulic turbines
    3. Performance evaluation of Hydraulic Turbines
    4. Pumped storage hydroelectricity
    5. Worked Examples
    6. Tutorial Problems
  6. Pump – System Matching
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Pumps
    3. Estimating pipe system Head loss
    4. Pump-System Characteristics and Matching
    5. Pump Laws
    6. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Calculation
    7. Worked Examples
    8. Tutorial Problems
  • Sample Examination Paper
  • Revision Questions

Understand key principles of fluid statics and dynamics. Learn the foundational concepts of internal fluid flow. Explore compressible fluid dynamics and hydroelectric power systems.

نبذة عن المؤلف

Tarik Al-Shemmeri