كتاب دراسي مجاني

Corporate Social Responsibility

(17 التقييمات )
1 تعليق
اللغة :  English
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been in existence for a while but recently it has become central to the strategic decision making of every organisation.
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been in existence for a while but recently it has become central to the strategic decision making of every organisation. So every organisation has a CSR policy and produces a report of its activities. It has become central to the strategic management of every organisation. It is a complex subject and there are a number of complex issues involved in developing CSR strategies and policies. This book introduces the reader to the issues involved and their application in strategic decision making.

  1. Defining Corporate Social Responsibility
    1. Introduction
    2. Definitions of CSR
    3. The effects of organisational activity
    4. The principles of CSR
    5. Conclusion
    6. References
    7. Further reading
    8. Self-test Questions
  2. The principles of CSR
    1. Introduction
    2. The prominence of CSR
    3. Changing emphasis in companies
    4. Environmental issues and their effects and implications
    5. Externalising costs
    6. The Social Contract
    7. Conclusions
    8. References
    9. Further reading
    10. Self-test Questions
  3. Stakeholders & the social contract
    1. Introduction
    2. What is a stakeholder?
    3. Multiple stakeholding
    4. The classification of stakeholders
    5. Stakeholder Theory
    6. Regulation and its implications
    7. Risk Reducing
    8. Conclusions
    9. References
    10. Further Reading
    11. Self-test Questions
  4. Issues concerning Sustainability
    1. Introduction
    2. Defining sustainability
    3. The Brundtland Report
    4. Critiquing Brundtland
    5. Sustainability and the Cost of Capital
    6. Redefining sustainability
    7. Distributable sustainability
    8. Summarising Sustainability
    9. Conclusions
    10. References
    11. Further reading
    12. Self-test Questions
  5. Ethics, CSR and Corporate Behavior
    1. Introduction 54
    2. What is Ethics? The Why ?
    3. Ethical philosophies
    4. The Gaia Hypothesis
    5. Corporate Behaviour
    6. CSR, Ethics and Corporate Behavior
    7. Corporate Reputation
    8. Conclusion
    9. References
    10. Further Reading
    11. Self-test Questions
  6. Performance Evaluation and Performance Reporting
    1. Introduction
    2. What is performance?
    3. Social accounting
    4. Aspects of performance
    5. The balanced scorecard
    6. The environmental audit
    7. The Measurement of Performance
    8. The Evaluation of Performance
    9. Multi-dimensional performance management
    10. Conclusions
    11. References
    12. Further reading
    13. Self-test questions
  7. Globalisation and CSR
    1. Introduction
    2. Globalisation
    3. How Globalisation Affects CSR
    4. Globalisation, Corporate Failures and CSR
    5. Is Globalisation an opportunity or threat for CSR?
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
    8. Further Reading
    9. Self-test Questions
  8. CSR in not for profit organisations
    1. Introduction
    2. Distinguishing features of sector
    3. Types of NFP organisation
    4. Motivation for NFP’s
    5. Implications for managers
    6. Available resources
    7. Structure of a charity
    8. Accounting issues
    9. CSR issues in NFPs
    10. Conclusions
    11. References
    12. Further reading
    13. Self-test questions
  9. CSR and Strategy
    1. Introduction
    2. The Role of a Business Manager
    3. The objectives of a business
    4. The Tasks of a Manager
    5. The importance of performance measurement
    6. Managers and business ethics
    7. Corporate Governance
    8. Corporate Governance Principles
    9. Conclusions
    10. References
    11. Further reading
    12. Self-test Questions
  10. Corporate Social Responsibility and Leadership
    1. Introduction
    2. The concept of leadership
    3. Styles of Leadership
    4. Organisational culture and styles of leadership
    5. Motivation
    6. Definitions of power
    7. Sources of power
    8. Systems of control
    9. Strategic planning
    10. Corporate planning
    11. Planned and emergent strategy
    12. Feedback
    13. Agency Theory
    14. The Limitations of Agency Theory
    15. Conclusion
    16. References
    17. Further reading
    18. Self-test Questions
  11. Notes
This is a comprehensive ebook. I have learned more on corporate responsibilities in various working environments.
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