كتاب دراسي مجاني

Corporate Governance and International Business

(27 التقييمات )
1 تعليق
اللغة :  English
It is clearly accepted that good governance is fundamental to the successfully continuing operating of any organisation.
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It is clearly accepted that good governance is fundamental to the successfully continuing operating of any organisation. Corporate governance has gained tremendous importance in recent years, due to the developments brought about through globalisation concerning the harmonisation of procedures and structures and through the emergence of global norms for corporate governance. One factor which is significantly affected by such governance is that of risk assessment and management. Good governance reduces risk and facilitates its management. This is the focus of this book.

  1. Introduction to Corporate Governance
    1. Introduction
    2. Governance
    3. Corporate Governance
    4. Governance systems and corporate social responsibility
    5. Relating corporate governance and corporate social responsibility
    6. References
    7. Further reading
    8. Self-test questions
  2. Development of codes of governance and international comparisons
    1. Introduction
    2. Systems of governance
    3. Developing a framework for corporate governance
    4. Company management
    5. References
    6. Further reading
    7. Self-test questions
  3. The principles of corporate governance
    1. Introduction
    2. The principles of governance
    3. Good governance and corporate behaviour
    4. Corporate Governance Principles
    5. Good Governance and Sustainability
    6. References
    7. Further reading
    8. Self-test questions
  4. Stakeholders & the social contract: a broader view of corporate governance
    1. Introduction
    2. The Social Contract
    3. What is a stakeholder?
    4. Multiple stakeholdings
    5. The classification of stakeholders
    6. Stakeholder Theory
    7. Governance and stakeholders
    8. Relating corporate governance and corporate social responsibility
    9. Relating social responsibility with governance: the evidence
    10. Conclusions
    11. References
    12. Further Reading
    13. Self-test Questions
  5. Issues concerning Sustainability
    1. Introduction
    2. Defining sustainability
    3. The Brundtland Report
    4. Critiquing Brundtland
    5. Sustainability and the Cost of Capital
    6. Redefining sustainability
    7. Distributable sustainability
    8. Summarising Sustainability
    9. ISO 26000
    10. Conclusions
    11. References
    12. Further reading
    13. Self-test Questions
  6. Ethics, corporate governance and corporate behavior
    1. Introduction
    2. Defining ethics
    3. Ethical philosophies
    4. Corruption
    5. Culture
    6. The Gaia Theory
    7. Corporate Behaviour
    8. Governance, Ethics and Corporate Behaviour
    9. Corporate Reputation
    10. Conclusion
    11. References
    12. Further Reading
    13. Self-test Questions
  7. Risk Management and Corporate Governance
    1. Introduction
    2. Attitudes to risk
    3. Managing risk
    4. Risk Management Strategies
    5. Risk probability profiles
    6. A Typology of risk
    7. Risk analysis: the cost of capital
    8. The Capital Asset Pricing model
    9. The cost of capital for a business
    10. Summary
    11. References
    12. Further reading
    13. Self-test questions
  8. The Audit function and the role of regulation
    1. Introduction
    2. The role of audit
    3. The Audit Committee
    4. Agency theory and asymmetric power
    5. Agency Theory
    6. Conclusions concerning the theory
    7. Rating Agencies
    8. Regulation
    9. The 2008 financial crisis
    10. Failures in regulation
    11. Conclusions
    12. References
    13. Further reading
    14. Self-test questions
  9. Corporate Governance in non-commercial organisations
    1. Introduction
    2. Definitions
    3. The role of NGOs
    4. Inflation and NGOs
    5. Distinguishing features of sector
    6. Types of NFP organisation
    7. Motivation for NFPs
    8. Implications for managers
    9. Available resources
    10. Structure of a charity
    11. Accounting issues
    12. Governance issues in NFPs
    13. Conclusions
    14. References
    15. Further reading
    16. Self-test questions
  10. Globalisation and corporate governance
    1. Introduction
    2. Globalisation
    3. The concept of global governance
    4. Global perspectives
    5. How Globalisation Affects Governance
    6. Globalisation, Corporate Failures and Corporate Governance
    7. Conclusion
    8. References
    9. Further Reading
    10. Self-test Questions
  11. Endnotes
A great book. Very comprehensively written. I strongly appreciate the books written by Bookboon specialists.
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