كتاب دراسي مجاني

Concise Hydraulics

بواسطة Prof. Dawei Han
(27 التقييمات )
اللغة :  English
This text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.
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مقدمة الكتاب

This is an introductory book on hydraulics that covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics, examples, questions, answers and full solutions.

Hydraulics is a branch of scientific and engineering discipline that deals with the mechanical properties of fluids, mainly water. It is widely applied in many civil and environmental engineering systems (water resources management, flood defence, harbour and port, bridge, building, environment protection, hydropower, irrigation, ecosystem, etc). This is an introductory book on hydraulics and written for undergraduate students in civil and environmental engineering, environmental science and geography. The aim of this book is to provide a concise and comprehensive coverage of hydraulics that is easy to access through the Internet.

The book content covers the fundamental theories (continuity, energy and momentum equations), hydrostatics, pipe flow, physical modelling (dimensional analysis and similarity), open channel flow, uniform flow, channel design, critical flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jump, hydraulic structures, gradually varied flow, computation of flow profile, unsteady flow and hydraulic machinery (pump and turbine). The text has been written in a concise format that is integrated with the relevant graphics. There are many examples to further explain the theories introduced. The questions at the end of each chapter are accompanied by the corresponding answers and full solutions. A list of recommended reading resources is provided in the appendix for readers to further explore the interested hydraulics topics.

Due to its online format, it is expected that the book will be updated regularly. If you find any errors and inaccuracies in the book, you are encouraged to email me with feedback and suggestions for further improvements.

Dawei Han

  1. Fundamentals
    1. Properties of Fluids
    2. Flow Description
    3. Fundamental Laws of Physics
  2. Hydrostatics
    1. Pressure
    2. Manometer
    3. Pressure Force on Plane Surface
    4. Pressure Force on Curved Surface
    5. Flotation
  3. Energy Equation
    1. Basic Formula
    2. Applications
  4. Momentum Equation
    1. The Principle
    2. Applications
  5. Pipe Flow
    1. Introduction
    2. Energy losses in pipe flow
    3. Local losses (or Minor losses)
    4. Grade Line
    5. Combination of pipes
  6. Physical Modelling
    1. Background
    2. Dimensional Analysis
    3. Analysis of Experimental Data
    4. Model and Similarity
  7. Open Channel Flow
    1. What is "Open Channel Flow"
    2. Channel Geometric Properties
    3. Calculation of Hydraulic Radius and Hydraulic Mean Depth
  8. Uniform Flow
    1. Introduction
    2. Laminar or Turbulent Flow
    3. Energy Loss Equations
    4. Computation of Uniform Flow
  9. Channel Design
    1. Channel Design
    2. Compound Channel
    3. The Best Hydraulic Section
  10. Critical Flow
    1. Small Wave in Open Channel
    2. Critical Flow
    3. Critical Flow Computation
  11. Rapidly Varied Flow
    1. Sudden Transitions
    2. Depth of Flow
    3. Height of Hump
    4. Specific Energy
  12. Hydraulic Jump
    1. Jump Equation
    2. Hydraulic Jump in Rectangular Channel
    3. Hydraulic Jump in Trapezoidal Channel
    4. Hydraulic jump in Sloping Channel
  13. Hydraulic Structures
    1. Flumes (Venturi)
    2. Weirs (Broad-crested weir)
    3. Energy dissipators
    4. Sluice Gates
  14. Gradually Varied Flow
    1. Equation of Gradually Varied Flow
    2. Classification of Surface Profiles
    3. Flow Profile Sketch
    4. Flow transitions
  15. Computation of Flow Profile
    1. Introduction
    2. Numerical integration methods
    3. Computation Procedure through an Example
    4. Further Computational Information
  16. Unsteady Flow
    1. Basic Types
    2. Rapidly Varied Unsteady Flow
    3. Gradually Varied Unsteady Flows (Saint-Venant equations)
    4. Software packages
  17. Hydraulic Machinery
    1. Hydropower and Pumping Station
    2. Turbines
    3. Pump and Pipeline
  18. Appendix: Further Reading Resources
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