الفئات الأسعار الشركات
Dr. Joe Martelli
  • البلد: United States
  • عدد العناوين: 1
  • التواصل مع المؤلف:

Joseph Martelli is an Associate Professor of Business at The University of Findlay, in Findlay, Ohio. Prior to Findlay he was a Research Scientist at the Industrial Technology Institute at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He has held managerial and professional positions at the corporate and plant level in Fortune 500 companies, including Kellogg's, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, and Timken Steel. He has consulted in other large and smaller organizations throughout the United States. He has presented his research at professional organizations throughout the US and in Europe. Martelli has published numerous articles which have appeared professional business and academic journals. Martelli earned his doctorate in Industrial Technology from the University of Northern Iowa.

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