كتاب دراسي مجاني

Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics

بواسطة Walter Wilcox
اللغة :  English
This book is a short physics survey of 3 important topics in electromagnetism: wave equations, potentials and electromagnetic radiation. These topics are tied together with 35 end-of-chapter problems.
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Advanced Topics in Electrodynamics represents a short survey of advanced subjects in electrodynamic theory. The topics are organized under chapters covering wave equations, potentials and electromagnetic radiation. Phenomena such as reflection, transmission and polarization of electromagnetic waves are explained. Wave transmission in conductors and nonconductors is studied and wave guides are examined. The solution of electromagnetic wave equations in terms of scalar and vector potentials is explained in the second chapter. In the final chapter the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation is developed and explained. The book includes 35 end-of-chapter problems that test understanding.

About the author

Walter Wilcox is Professor of physics and former graduate program director for the Baylor University Physics Department. He has served as a Member-at-Large of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society (2013-2016) and is presently serving as Secretary-Treasurer of the same APS Section. He earned a PhD in elementary particle physics from UCLA in 1981 under the guidance of Dr. Julian Schwinger. He has also taught and done research at Oklahoma State University (1981–1983), TRIUMF Laboratory (1983-1985), and the University of Kentucky (1985–1986). He has been awarded grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in theoretical physics and, in collaboration with Dr. Ronald Morgan, in applied mathematics. His research focuses on the development and use of numerical methods in the field of theoretical physics known as "lattice QCD". He is the author of recent physics textbooks on quantum mechanics, classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. He maintains the trademarked “Open Text Project” website at Baylor University; this website is dedicated to the free dissemination of quality physics teaching materials and applications for disadvantaged students. He has served as a judge at the Central Texas and Engineering Fair for more than 20 years, and has also served as Society of Physics Students sponsor within the Baylor Physics Department.

  1. Electromagnetic Waves
    1. Learning Goals
    2. The Wave Equation in One Dimension
    3. One Dimensional Scattering
    4. Two Dimensional Scattering
    5. Electromagnetic Plane Waves
    6. Electromagnetic Scattering - Nonconducting Case
    7. Energy Flow Across a Nonconducting Interface
    8. Electromagnetic Scattering - Conducting Case
    9. Model of Constitutive Relations for Nonconductors
    10. Wave Guides
    11. Chapter 1 Problems
  2. Potentials and Fields
    1. Learning Goals
    2. Potential Formulation
    3. Gauge Transformations
    4. Retarded Potentials
    5. Point Particle Fields
    6. Moving Point Particle Field Example
    7. E&M Chapter 2 Problems
  3. Radiation
    1. Learning Goals
    2. Arbitrary Source Radiation
    3. Multipole Expansion
    4. Electric and Magnetic Multipole Results
    5. Lienard Formula and Circular Accelerators
    6. E&M Chapter 3 Problems
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