Professional eBook

The A to Z of Presentations

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Language :  English
This book will give everything you need to become a professional presenter.
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Whether you are giving a presentation to an important client, trying to win business from a valued customer, selling an idea to your board of senior executives, or making a farewell speech to a retiring colleague, this “A to Z…” will help you come across as someone who is knowledgeable, skilled, and enthusiastic. Take a look!

This book will give everything you need to become a professional presenter. Whether you are giving a presentation to an important client, trying to win business from a valued customer, selling an idea to your board of senior executives, or making a farewell speech to a retiring colleague, this “A to Z…” will help you come across as someone who is knowledgeable, skilled, and enthusiastic. Ex-President Ford of the United States of America once said that being able to talk in front of an audience was the most important skill he wished he’d learnt and would have gone back to college if he could have mastered it. You don’t have to. The answers are all in this book.

  1. Accents
  2. Aikido, intellectual
  3. Alert Stance, an
  4. Analogy
  5. Anaphora
  6. Appearance in Presentation
  7. Articulation
  8. Attention Spans
  9. Audience Types
  10. Audience, winning an
  11. Audiences, difficult
  12. Breathing
  13. Colours on a Chart
  14. Commanding Walk, a
  15. Commentating
  16. Confidence
  17. Controlled Hands
  18. Conviction Graph, the
  19. Core Statement, the
  20. Creative Pause, the
  21. Cue Cards
  22. Difficult Audiences
  23. Difficult Questions
  24. Definitely Definitions I
  25. Definitely Definitions II
  26. Donkeys’ Tails Quiz I
  27. Donkeys’ Tails Quiz II
  28. Emphasis
  29. Endings
  30. Enthusiasm
  31. Enunciation
  32. Eye Warmth
  33. Fears, the ten worst human
  34. First Impressions Last
  35. Flipcharts
  36. Fill in the Blank Quiz I
  37. Fill in the Blank Quiz II
  38. Gestures, meaningful
  39. Hand Positions
  40. Inflection
  41. Information, gathering
  42. Jokes
  43. Lead Them
  44. Leading an Audience
  45. Lists and Checklists
  46. Mantras
  47. Middles of Presentations
  48. Mnemonics in Presentations
  49. Multiple Choice Quiz
  50. Narratives
  51. Natural Smiles
  52. Nerves
  53. Numbers
  54. The Numbers Game
  55. Openers, formal presentation
  56. Openers, impact
  57. Opening Techniques
  58. Overheads
  59. Pace, speaking
  60. Pauses
  61. Persuasion, the P’s of
  62. Persuasive Words, the most
  63. Phrasing
  64. Pitch
  65. Planting
  66. Presentation Style
  67. Presentation Techniques
  68. Presentation, a definition of
  69. Presentation, preparing a
  70. Presentations, business
  71. Presentations, effective
  72. Prior Knowledge
  73. Questions, difficult
  74. Rapport, losing
  75. Resonance, voice
  76. Seating Styles
  77. Show Don’t Just Tell
  78. Signposting
  79. Tone
  80. True or False? Quiz I
  81. True or False? Quiz II
  82. Under Starter’s Orders
  83. Visuals
  84. Voice, using the
  85. Volume
  86. Wall Push, the
  87. Word Lists
  88. Writing and Speaking
  89. Presentation Skills: Answers To Quiz Questions 02
Easy to follow rules. Applied them for my first public presentation and it works wonderfully.
Great ideas merged in one! Students who aim for excellence will surely prefer this material.
Very good for my students. precise and concise.
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About the Author

Eric Garner