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Gillian Burn
  • País: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 11
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Gillian Burn provides training programmes for individuals and companies to improve health and quality of life within her own company, Health Circles Ltd, which she established in 1999.

Her background covers nursing, midwifery, health visiting, including experience working in the Australian outback with the Flying Doctor Service and 12 years with BUPA.
Gillian has a master’s degree in exercise and health sciences, is a qualified master practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming and time line therapy®. She has management qualifications and trained in Mind Mapping® and speed reading with Tony Buzan. 

Her personal development workshops address lifestyle factors to improve energy and performance including exercise, nutrition, stress and time management, positive thinking, motivation, effective communication, and creating peak energy. In addition, Gillian runs Mind Mapping and speed reading workshops.

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