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edited by: Francien Horrevorts, AcademicTransfer
  • País: Netherlands
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contactar o Autor:

Eva Lantsoght completed her engineering degree in civil engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. She then went on to Georgia Tech for a MS in structural engineering with a Fulbright scholarship and a Belgian American Educational Foundation scholarship. She started blogging when she was a PhD candidate at Delft University of Technology in the Concrete Structures department. She received her PhD Degree in June 2013. She is now an Assistant Professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) and a part-time researcher at Delft University of Technology.

Read Eva Lantsoght’s introduction to the PhDTalks:

Copyright 2015, AcademicTransfer and Eva Lantsoght

Pesquisar edited by: Francien Horrevorts, AcademicTransfer em todos os livros
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