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Dr. Jinliao He
  • Land: Germany
  • Number of Titles: 1

Dr. Jinliao He is an Associate Research Fellow at the Research Center of Human Geography, Nanjing University. He is also the Chief Secretary of Sino-German Association for Green City (AAGC). He obtained his PhD degree in human geography at Heidelberg University in 2013. After that, he continued two years’ postdoc research at the same institute of Heidelberg University. His research interest lies in regional and urban policies for economic and sustainable development, creative industries and innovation networks.

As a junior researcher in human geography, he has over 20 publications in both international and national journals. He is the author for 3 books, including the monograph Creative Industry District: An Analysis of Dynamics, Networks and Implications of Creative Industrial Clusters in Shanghai published by Springer. He is also the review expert for several international journals, including European Planning Studies, Environmental and Planning B, Sociology Studies.

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