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Nikolien Martina-Doorenbos
  • Land: Netherlands
  • Number of Titles: 2

Nikolien is owner of Moms&More and helps working mothers towards a happy life. In such a way that mothers do that kind of work that makes them as happy as they can be, and at the same time keep a healthy harmony between work and life. Nikolien is mother of daughter Emilia (04-2011) and son Alessio (08-2014). She knows how challenging it can be as a working mom to juggle with all balls (and also dropping one occasionally). She is allergic for complainers, victims and empty glasses and loves chocolate, wine and chicklits.

Nikolien is certified Quaner, certified NLP Master Practitioner and has completed several studies with regard to personal and intuitive development. She is associated with NVNLP, Professional Partner of Level Five Quaning, and can be booked as professional speaker via ZijSpreekt.

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