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Antoni Lacinai
  • Maa: Sweden
  • Number of Titles: 0

Antoni Lacinai is the communication- and motivation expert, who’s passion is to help his clients perform better when meeting other people, or towards their goals. He is a communication skills trainer, a speaker, author, facilitator, moderator and professional coach. Based in Sweden; he works with clients both domestically and on the international scene. You find more information on

Mike Darmell is the meeting evangelist, who is the most sought after speaker when it comes to organizations’ meeting culture, and the also about the constant use and abuse of being connected 24-7. He is also the author of a highly noticed book on the latter subject, which is being translated into English, as these words are written. The last 20 years, Mike has worked with meetings, and the last seven year, he has put his focus in increasing the effect of internal meetings. More from him on

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