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Ken Pierce
  • País: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 4
  • Contactar o Autor:

Ken Pierce, a Canadian business psychologist, international speaker and author has worked for thirty-five years in psychology, education and corporate development presiding over Clarendon Consulting, his consulting and counseling company.

Ken holds Senior Faculty status in the William Glasser Institute of Los Angles and the Demartini Research and Education Institute of Houston, Johannesburg and Sydney. He is a certified trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, DACUM Occupational Analysis and Learning Management. He is a former faculty of both Holland College (Early Childhood Education) and the University of Prince Edward Island (Psychology).

Ken has published widely in the areas of leadership, management, occupational analysis, stress management, learning environments, school yard bullying and a fictional work on prostate cancer, entitled “A Grandfather’s Tale.”

Ken is pursued as an executive coach and seminar facilitator in business, psychology and leadership development across the globe.

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