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Yasser Jaffal
  • Organisatie: Universität Kassel
  • Land: Germany
  • Aantal titels: 1
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Yasser Jaffal is A former instructor at the department of computer science of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem. After obtaining his Master's in Computer Science from Science and Technology University in Jordan, he started his PhD. in the same field at Kassel University in Germany. He has qualified for DAAD scholarship for both Master's and PhD. levels and is a member of DAAD Alumni. He is interested in the design and development of serious video games, specifically in the educational field. His current research focuses on employing game analytics to build reliable evaluation models and methods for serious games, as well as effective incorporation of field experts in the process of serious game content development. He also strives to be an active member in supporting the Arabic content in the technical field, and volunteers therefore as a coordinator of Arabic translation community at

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